Continued from Part I:

What helped me discover the Lord's divine intention and prophetic purpose behind all this began with a simple curiosity after watching the actor Jonathan Roumie play the part of the hippie preacher Lonnie Frisbee. I instantly recognized Jonathan from his portrayal of Jesus on The Chosen television series, but I knew very little about this Lonnie character. Who was he, and what role did he play in the movie and, more importantly, in the spiritual revival of the late 1960s and early '70s?
To find out more about Lonnie, I ordered his autobiography, The Jesus Revolution - Part One of Not by Might, Nor by Power. I've since read all three books in the series, and what caught my attention was his dramatic description of spiritual events where the power of God was manifest. My trembling in the hallway was tame in comparison to what he witnessed and experienced, but it was nonetheless instrumental in leading me to seek an answer as to why God had captured my interest.
It all goes back to what Lonnie says happened at the real Harbor High School during the early '70s: "...We had Bible studies going in four major high schools on campus, which is now unheard of in 'liberated' America. Our Bible study at Harbor High School... had up to 150 kids... It was near the end of the school year, and God had been visiting us in the science room. I will never forget the anointing that was on those meetings. People will absolutely not believe what was happening in that public school. It was off the scale. The science room was quite large, and the kids would pack in, as word had spread around the campus about the meetings. Sometimes the power of God would descend on everyone, and all of the kids would fall on the ground under the power of the Holy Spirit."
"How can anyone orchestrate something like that? It was incredible and very supernatural. They would be speaking in tongues—until the bell would ring for the next class to come in. This did not happen once. There were many days at Harbor High School when the power of God struck everyone in the room, and we were all caught up in the Spirit, praying, seeing visions, and interceding for people to be saved."
"I took the Bible study in that direction, but it was definitely all about God's presence. It was so precious to hear the genuine, heartfelt prayers that went up to the Lord from those young lives. They were praying for their friends, their boyfriends and girlfriends, and their family members. So many kids gave their hearts to Jesus and were born again during that time. It was wonderful. The bell would ring, and the kids would still be lying under the power of the Holy Spirit all over the floor everywhere! It was mind-blowing to see that kind of raw power fall on the students. No way could I or any other human orchestrate that kind of scenario. Critics have accused me of crowd manipulation and mass hypnosis, but no way. It was the manifest presence of God! Just ask the people what they experienced."
On one stifling hot day, the science room was just too uncomfortable. So, Lonnie decided to move the Bible study outside, even though it was against the law to do an open-air meeting at a public school. They gathered under a big tree by the school bell tower. That's when Greg Laurie walked by on his way to class and took notice. In Greg's autobiography, Lost Boy, he states: "Then one of the guys in the group stood up. He had a Bible in his hand, and shoulder-length hair and a beard. His brown eyes blazed."
"It was Lonnie Frisbee... He read a little bit from the New Testament, and then he talked about how Jesus wasn't just some far-off, far-out historical figure. How He was real. How He could be known personally. I sat transfixed. This guy looked like a biblical character, and he related to me at that moment in my life. Then Lonnie said something that struck my heart. 'Jesus said that 'You are either for Me, or you are against Me.' There's no middle ground with Jesus. You're either for Him or against Him ... which side are you on?" That question led Greg to a decision, and he decided to be for Jesus. He and several others stepped forward to accept Christ, and Lonnie led them in a prayer as Greg repeated his words, asking Jesus to forgive his sins and come into his heart.
What happened at Harbor High had led many students, just as Lonnie said, to give "their hearts to Jesus and were born again during that time." It was a powerful display and work of the Holy Spirit. More than half a century later, I found myself, of all places, trembling on the set of the Jesus Revolution movie while waiting to play the part of Harbor High's principal. As weird as this scholastic and spiritual connection may seem, it will begin to make sense as we continue with some basic English homework that has us taking a closer look at the definition of the word "Revolution" and discovering where it leads.
It was during the promotion and theatrical release of the movie that I heard Greg speak about the meaning of the word "revolution." It was an "a-ha" moment of inspiration that reminded me of what I had previously read in his book, Jesus Revolution. Except this time around, it finally clicked. He wrote: "Revival, after all, is not about human plans, programs, campaigns, or particular denominational movements. It comes from the real revolution that only God can bring. That word, revolution, cuts both ways. It's a paradox. First, revolution means a sudden, radical, complete change in a structure in favor of a new system. Think about it in a personal sense. The spiritual revolution means that Jesus touches our lives and radically transforms them from the inside out."
"The old allegiances are gone, the old structures torn down and replaced by the fresh presence of His Spirit and the new paths of obedience. Even if we don't happen to have a dramatic experience, when we're saved by grace, the reality in terms of our eternal standing is that it's a new beginning. The past is finished and gone, the new has come. We belong to Jesus and will see Him in Heaven when we die. Boom."
"But the revolution that Jesus brings is more than just this sudden, radical new beginning. Revolution also means the act of revolving in a circle, back to a fixed point. It's like the rolling of a wheel, revolving, returning to the same place, yet moving forward. So the Jesus Revolution, really, is not just a one-time, dramatic upheaval. It is also the process of an ongoing relationship with God. A long obedience in the same direction."
Now let's take what Greg just said about the personal and spiritual meaning of the word "revolution" and do something revolutionary with it. If you've been following Beyond Believing for a while, then you're already familiar with this next picture. If not, then what you're looking at is what the Holy Spirit showed me during my near-death experience (NDE) after telling me to, "Look and remember!"

What you see in this radical illustration is, first and foremost, the gospel in a symbolic language. To understand how that adventurous statement could conceivably be true, I suggest reading the post titled Beyond Believing and all subsequent posts to catch up, then follow along to witness what mystery the symbols reveal next. In Isaiah 55:11, God says: "So shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose, and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it." The symbols assembled here are without a doubt a strange collection, but they speak not as idle words of empty rhetoric. In the fullness of time, I'm more than confident, with absolute assurance, that by His power and authority, He will confirm their full meaning and message.
To partially summarize what's taken place so far and to prophetically build upon its foundation, I first revealed in my July 25, 2020 post, Turn the Corner, that the illuminated face of the digital clock represents the face of a partially completed symbolic figure, whose head is turning, or revolving, to face forward. The clock's numerals themselves remarkably match Hebrew Lexicon numbers that represent the duality of having, or not having, a personal relationship with God. We are either (1511/cut-off) due to sin, or its opposite (1121/Ben - meaning "son"). The two numbers 1511 and 1121, in their digital form, are 180-degree, U-turn, mirror-images of each other. Taken together, they depict biblical repentance as an about-face turn away from sin and by faith turning to God as His son or daughter.
But that's certainly not all regarding the act and meaning of the clock's turning. Remember, "Revolution also means revolving in a circle, back to a fixed point." The fixed point for the clock is forward facing with the time at high-noon or 12:00 a.m. to be exact. In two of my earlier posts, Mission Impossible and Mission More Impossible, I explained how this time was key to my prophetically knowing when I'd be married before meeting my wife. With the 12:00 time matching the blazing essence of a noonday sun at the height of its glory, it was amazing to discover that the number 1200 is defined by Strong's Hebrew Lexicon as a "burning - fire." This revealed a precise match to the Lord Jesus Christ as He is described in Matthew 17:2 where "...His face shone like the sun..." and in Revelation 19:11-12: "...and His eyes are a flame of fire." So, in other words, the revolving clock is symbolically seen as performing not only an act of repentance by turning, but what can also be defined as a Jesus Revolution! How cool is that!?

In considering the other side of the word "revolution" as explained by Greg, it "means a sudden, radical, complete change in a structure in favor of a new system. Think about it in a personal sense. The spiritual revolution means that Jesus touches our lives and radically transforms them from the inside out." It's this definition of the word "revolution" that I covered in my last two posts, Like Him! and A True Tale About Two Bobs, God, and Big Ideas.
These posts reveal how the original corner symbols combine to form a complete standing figure after a sudden, radical, complete change in structure with the discovery of a missing piece—a mirror—that strategically filled in the dark, empty corner below. The addition of the mirror represents the transformation we experience after repenting from sin and turning to God by faith. The completed figure was unveiled as the Bride of Christ, where Jesus is now the head and we are His body, the Church. It is a born-again revolution of restoration as we beautifully reflect the Lord's image, His likeness, and His glory.
And that's not all...
Jesus Revolution - Behind the Scenes continues in Part III at: